Squid game gay sex art

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Subscribers jumped by 4.4 million, double the growth seen in the same quarter in 2020, allowing the platform to end the period with 214 million worldwide.Īfter rolling out a lighter-than-normal slate of content in the first half of this year due to Covid-related production delays, Netflix said it was finishing the year with 'what we expect to be our strongest Q4 content offering yet.' Netflix reported billion-dollar profits and booming subscriber growth Tuesday that beat forecasts as global hits like Squid Game drew viewers in droves.Īnalysts had been worried that a surge in Netflix subscriptions during pandemic lockdowns would be followed by a plunge as the world opened back up.īut the streaming entertainment star said that in the third quarter it made a profit of $1.45 billion on revenue that grew 16% to $7.5 billion in that period. Waiters dressed in outfits from the Netflix series Squid Game pose while playing a game to attract customers at a cafe in Jakarta on Tuesday.

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